EVP (École de la vente professionnelle) first started its activities in March 1990,
following a year of extensive research on the different sales methods and approaches practiced in Europe, Canada, and the United States.
In 2000, after 10 years at the head of the company, founder Jean-Pierre Pilon found his successor: Félix Laventure. Félix strives to further the objectives and ensure the continuity of EVP’s mission.

Felix A. Laventure
A graduate of the Université de Montréal and HEC Montréal (École des hautes
études commerciales), Félix Laventure has academic training in Administrative Sciences and
Economics as well as in Marketing. He worked for more than 16 years in sales and
marketing, as National Accounts Director and later as Vice-President of Sales and
Marketing. For the last fifteen years, he has devoted his time to training managers, sales representatives and customer service representatives in all sectors. Throughout the years, he has helped numerous companies develop successful business strategies and prepared sales personnel by convincingly demonstrating the added value of their company.